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{{ define "main" }}
<div class='main-container'>
<div class='title'>
<h1>elpengu's home</h1>
<hr style="margin-top: 10px;"/>
<div class="i-main">
<div class='left'>
<h2><img src="/logos/elpengu.png" class="i-logo">
What is elpengu?</h2>
This site is all about software freedom. Seeing how the internet is
more and more centralised into a big corporate environment, I wanted to
provide an alternative solution which reminds of the first day of the web.
<p>Here we promote the following concepts:</p>
<li>Software freedom, and the use of <u>libre software</u> such as: <b>Linux</b>, <b>*BSD</b>,
<b>IRC</b>, <b>Fediverse</b> etc.
<li>Decentralisation. Having all your eggs in the same basket has never been a worse idea than today.
<li>Minimalism and the UNIX philosophy: all programs should do one thing, do it well and in a simple
<li>Abstinence from consumerism. The web is a powerful tool, but at the same time a weapon for
of our attention spans.
<a href="./about" class="i-button">
<span class="i-small-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/link-solid.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"white\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
About me</a>
<span class="i-big-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/server.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"#D092FC\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<p>I host multiple <b>open-source & privacy-friendly</b> services, providing an alternative to popular
Everything is <b>free as in freedom</b> (no ads, no tracking). Take a look at them below!</p>
<a href="./services" class="i-button">
<span class="i-small-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/link-solid.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"white\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<div class='right'>
<span class="i-big-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/user.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"#D092FC\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<p>I sometimes post about technology, philosophy and other topics of interest. Here are some of my blog
<ul class='i-blog'>
<!-- Ranges through content/posts/*.md -->
{{ range where .Paginator.Pages.ByDate.Reverse "Section" "posts" | first 8 }}
<li>{{.Date.Format "2006 Jan 02"}} - <a href="{{.RelPermalink}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>
{{ end }}
<p class="i-blog"><a href="./posts">Read more...</a></p>
<span class="i-big-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/address-card.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"#D092FC\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<p class="i-blog">You can contact me via <b>Email</b> or <b>Matrix</b>. No, I don't use Discord and I don't have a Discord
server, but you could join my <a href="https://matrix.to/#/#chat:matrix.elpengu.com">Matrix room</a>.</p>
<div style='display: inline-block; width: 100%'>
<a href="https://matrix.to/#/@stefan911:matrix.elpengu.com" rel="noopener" target="_blank"
style="float: left; margin-right: 30px"><img src="/logos/matrix-logo-white.svg"
alt="Matrix" style='max-width: 80px'></a>
<a href="mailto:contact@elpengu.com" style="float: left">
<span class="i-big-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/email.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"#ffffff\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<span class="i-big-icon">
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/dollar.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"#D092FC\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<p>If you think this website helped you in any way, please consider donating. All donations go towards improving
services and paying for hosting. Donators also gain access to <b>private instances</b> hosted on this site.
<a href="./donate" class="i-button">
<span class="i-small-icon" style='margin-right: 15px; top:-1px'>
{{- $fname:=print "/static/icons/monero.svg" -}}
{{- $path:="<path" -}}
{{- $fill:="<path fill=\"white\"" -}}
{{ replace (readFile $fname) $path $fill | safeHTML }}
<div class='end-ring'>
<hr style="margin-top: 10px;"/>
<a href="https://elpengu.com">
<img style="display: inline-block;" src="webring/elpengu.png"
<a href="https://beparanoid.de">
<img style="display: inline-block;" src="webring/paranoid.gif"
<a href="https://chaox.ro">
<img style="display: inline-block;" src="webring/chaox.png"
<a href="https://denshi.org">
<img style="display: inline-block;" src="webring/denshi.png"
{{ end }}