added computer programming notes

Stefan 7 months ago
parent 2238a8da3f
commit c6a0441121

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# Computer Programming Introduction
## Academic fraud - system detection
#### Don't do:
* Plagiarism
* Sharing (parts of) your homework
* ***Publishing*** (parts of) assignments, exams, answers
* Using LLMs to solve assignments
#### Do:
* Cite sources
* Always check what is **allowed by the course**
* Consult student advisor in case of time pressure
Plagiarism detection tools can detect **obsfucated** code based off of structure.
## Course elements
1. [Canvas](
2. Programming labs
3. zyBook
4. Classroom sessions
5. Exam
## Passing
### Programming Lab Grade
* Weighted average of 6 homeworg assignments (later weeks count more)
* Homework grades go up to **8.5**
* For a higher lab grade: **do challange assignments**
* Warm-up and code review assignments to be done by deadline
### Pass the course
* **Exam grade** >= 6
* Overall grade: weighted average (lab assg. 35%, exam 65%)
* Overall grade must be >= **5.5**
* Completing zyBook results in overall grade + 1.0 (only if **passsed already**; **deadline**: exam day)
### More info
* Passing the exam is a must
* Passing with a lab grade below 5.5 is possible
* No deadline extensions for assignments
* **Resit**: only for the exam
## Modules
1 module per week
Do the **zyBook** before class
1. Data Types, Variables, Control Flow (start: *6 sept 2023*)
<br> **Weight**: 10
2. Vectors, Streams, Functions
<br> **Weight**: 10
3. Error Handling, Testing
<br> **Weight**: 10
4. Recursion
<br> **Weight**: 20
5. Classes and Objects
<br> **Weight**: 25
6. Pointers and memory management
<br> **Weight**: 25
## Assigments
#### Warmup assignments
* You are allowed to form a group with another student (same lab group)
* Explain solution to TA
* Acceptance: *Pass or Fail*
* **Fail** = improve + resubmit
* Assignment must be accepted by the deadline (*or one week later + penalty*)
#### Code review
* Understand someone else's program + give feedback
* TA grades the review
* Grading: *Pass or Fail*
* Assignment must be accepted by the deadline (*or one week later + penalty*)
#### Homework
Main grading assignment
* Exercise the module's topic
* Graded by a **randomly** assigned TA
* Detailed grading
* Feedback by peer review (code review)
* Must be submitted by the **deadline** (1 point penalty per day late; 3 days late
= fail)
**!!! No resubmission once graded**
#### Challange
* Only in weeks **2 - 6**
* **!!!** Both warm-up and review of the same week have to be accepted
* To be solved during a lab session
* Inform your TA ahead that you want to do it
* Begging of lab session, TA gives you the challenge
* 10 = solve in 90 min, 8.5 = solve in 24h
## Schedule
* Classroom sessions
3x current week, 2x coming weeks
* Programming labs
1x current week, 3x coming weeks
**important** for questions and assignments acceptance; prepare assignments at home
challange assignments
**HOWTO:** See canvas
* **! Exam**
23rd Octobor
## Good to know:
* Contact TAs via [Canvas](
* Lectures should not be used for knowledge transfer, instead use zyBook.
* You are allowed to **resubmit** code that you already wrote.
* Submit assigments through **CodeGrade** (available on Canvas)
* You are allowed to resubmit code after the automatic test fails
## Course content
* **Not** a C++ course
* Test programs for correct behaviour
* Analyse programs and correct programming mistakes

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# Module 1 - Introduction to C++
## Binary prorgrams
**Ways to write**:
* Programming bit by bit
* Write in human-friendy notation
## C++ the language
* Compiled language
* **GOOD TO KNOW:** Using **C++ 14**
## The computer, simplified model
{ <br>
## Elements of a useful program
* Input data, output data
<br> If a program does not itneract with its environment it is plain **useless**
* Data stored in **memory**
* Computation that transforms data into results
## Types
* Types are a **safety** net
* Terrible example **JAVASCRIPT**
* <span style="color:red">!!! **Do not use** `auto`</span>

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# Module 1 - P2
# Constant expressions
* Do **not** use numerical constants (unless obvious: 0, 1)
* Declare values symbolically
const double PI = 3.14159;
// Examples:
PI = 7; // throws an error:
// assignment to constant
double c = 2 * PI * r; // OK: reading PI
* Using a constant `PI` allows us to change to precision at any point
* Names avoid *magic constants*:
const int SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458;
### Const variable assignment
const int MAX_SIZE = 100;
void use(int n)
const int C1 = MAX_SIZE + 7;
// OK: C1 is 107
const int C2 = n + 7;
// OK: and C2 is now *immutable*
* It is good style to declare values as `const`
* Constant at runetime
# Computation and code structure
* Code organisation and a proper structure help keeping code maintainable
when it grows beyond trivial size.
* Avoid spaghetti code
## Structuring code
* **Abstraction**: black boxes hide details of their internal workings
* Example: using `sqrt()` achieving its job and not caring about how it works
* *Stacking levels of abstraction*
## Indentation
* Indentation is important to visualise program structure
* Should be used **consistently**
# Rand
* `rand()` internally starts from a seed number and computes from there
* Seeding rand()
// Seeding the random generator
// Use once in main()
void srand(unsigned int seed)

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# Module 2
# Functions in math
In maths, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. An example is the function that relates each real number $x$ to its square $x^2$. The output of a function f corresponding to an input x is denoted by $f(x)$ (read _f of x_)
# Functions in C++
A function is defiend by its sets (types) of input parameters, its name, the set of the return value, and the algorithm that computes the return value from the input values.
double square(double x)
return x * x;
// Use call:
double sq = square(5.3);
# What makes a good function
- A good function operates in analogy to the notion from mathematics:
- Only use the input parameters (and nothing else, _no global variables_)
- **return** the result
- Test: the function name should inidcate an activity, like _compute the square of x_
- A pure function (as in math) is **stateless**
- it reads only its inputs (and nothing else) and it only writes its return
- a stateless function has no memory (no state) across calls
- a stateless function can be called over and over again, the results will be
repoducibily the same, no matter if / how it got called before
- Sometimes, a function is still a good level of abstraction in a program, even
if it violates what is said above
# State
- Computing is all about state: data stored in variables in memory, and about modifying this state
- Problems arise when such state is freely accesible from all parts of a program
- This opens the door for lazy, unintended interaction betweem seemingly unrelated pieces of code
## Function call and return
- When a function is called, the _thread of execution_ continues with the code of the function
- As soon as the function returns, the code that had called the function continues
int f(int x)
return 2 * x;
int main()
int x = 7;
int y = x + 2;
x = f(y);
std::cout << x;
return 0;
## Return from a function
- A function returns in two cases
1. It reaches a `return` statement
2. It reaches the end of its code block
- A `void` function (not returning a value) is allowed to reaech the end of its code block without returning anything
- A function that does not return a value must, in any case, reach a `return` statement (or throw an _exception_)
- Compilers cannot always analyse if this is true
# Vector
- A vector is a sequence of elements that can be accessed by their index
- A vector has a notion of size
- Is defined with the data type of its elements and with its size.
- `v[2000]` is not checked at runtime **_BUT_** `` is and throws an error if the index doesn't exist in the given vector. **_CONCLUSION_** Use `at()`

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# Error handling
- Exceptions
- Assertions
# Run-Time errors
/* ... other code ... */
int area(int length, int width) {
return length * width;
int framed_area(int x, int y) {
return area(x - 2, y - 2);
int main() {
int x = -1;
int y = 2;
int z = 4;
int area1 = area(x, y);
int area2 = framed_area(1, z);
int area3 = framed_area(y, z);
double ratio = static_cast<double>(area1) / area3;
return 0;
area3 = 0 => dividing by 0
### 1. The caller deals with errors
This causes lots of error handling code, making the program harder to understand (causing more errors).
### 2. The function deals with errors
Sometimes, this is impossible:
- When we cannot modify the function (e.g. in a library)
- The called function does not know what to do in case of an error
- The called function does not know where it was called from
- Performance (error handling code adds instruction to both code size and execution time)
### Error reporting
- We could also make a function return an _error value_
<br>Example: `main()` when it returns something **!= 0**
int area(int length, int width) {
if (length <= 0 || width <= 0) return -1;
return length * width;
- Not always possible (often, no _error value_ exists)
- Now, both caller and function must check for errors
### So, what can we do?
- Check your arguments in a function unless you have a good reason not to.
- Throw **an exception** in case of bad arguments
# Exceptions
- Are supposed to make error handling _easier_ (\*not _easy_)
<br>**Testing bad arguments**:
class BadArea {}; // trivial, user-defined type
// just a name
int area(int length, int width) {
if (length <= 0 || width <= 0) throw BadArea();
return length * width;
<br>**_Try_ Some code and _Catch_ an exception**:
int main() {
try {
int x = -1, y = 2, z = 4;
int area1 = area(x, y), area2 = framed_area(1, z), area3 = framed_area(y, z);
double ratio = area1 / area3;
catch (BadArea) {
cout << "Error occured!\n";
return 0;
### Exceptions and control flow
- Throwing an exception disrupts the normal sequential control flow
- Code immediately returns after an error occured
### Range errors (with Vectors)
The vecotr class throws a special `out_of_range` exception:
int main() {
try {
std::vector<int> v(5);
int x =;
catch (std::our_of_range) {
std::cerr << "Oops! Range error\n";
return 1;
catch (/*...*/) {
std::cerr << "Unknown exception\n";
return 2;
return 0;
<br>**! _Useful note_**: use `std::cerr` when handling error messages.
### Exceptions in the standard library
- `out_of_range`
- `runtime_error`, with a `string` param
### Catching in `main()`
int doSomething() {
throw std::runtime_error("shit happens!");
return 42;
int main() {
try {
int dummy = doSomething();
return 0;
catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
std::cerr << "runtime error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
<br>**! _Useful note_**: Use `std::runtime_error& err` not `std::runtime_error err` in the `catch` block.
### Exceptions are identified by their class (Type)
int main() {
try {
// our program code
return 0;
catch (std::out_of_range& e) {
cerr << "Oops1";
return 2;
catch (std::out_of_range7 e) {
cerr << "Oops2";
return 1;
catch (/*...*/) {
cerr << "OoopsN";
return 42;
# Assert
Your program makes certain assumptions under which it is going to work.
- The user does not enter incorrect data
- the parameter n for a function `fibonacci(n)` is larger than 0
- The vector given to `binarySearch(v)` is sorted
### Example of `assert()`
#include <cassert>
int factorial(int n) {
assert(n >= 0);
int f = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
f *= i;
assert(f>0); // DEBUG: no integer overflow
assert(i == n + 1); // DEBUG: loop cond
return f;
### Assert pseudocode
`assert()` works usually like this:
void assert(int expression) {
if (expression == 0) {
// print error message
// abort program
### Removing assert debugging
- Use cmake's `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` option instead of _Debug_.
<br> By default, cmake turns off debug messages from `assert()` when put into release mode.
- Use `#define NDEBUG` at the begining of the code.
# Assert vs Exceptions vs Error handling
- **Assertions**: for debugging
- **Exceptions**: for exceptional circumstances
- **Error handling**: for conditions you must handle
<br>You expect a number from `std::cin` but the user types something else

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# Module 3 - Part 2
- File input and output, command line parameters
- Unit testing
- Scope
# Input & Output with files
- The stream abstraction can easily be extended to files
- To do so, open a file and close it (also test if **opening worked**)
### File input
// new stuff
std::ifstream inFS;"file.txt");
bool opened = inFS.is_open();
inFS >> value1 >> value2;
### File output
// new stuff
std::ofstream outFS;"outputfile.txt");
bool opened = outFS.is_open();
outFS << "Hello, world\n";
# Streams: hierarchial abstraction
- Input streams allow to read `>>` sequences of data (characters) into variables of different types -> `istream`
- Output streams do the same with output `<<` -> `ostream`
- std::cin | std::cout
- std::istringstream | std::ostringstream
- std::ifstream | std::ofstream
# Command line parameters
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
std::vector<std::string> argumentVector(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<std::string> result(argc);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { = argv[i];
return result;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<std::string> arguments = arguments(argc, argv);
for(int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
std::cout << << std::endl;
return 0;
# Unit testing
- **Good practice**: develop your code in small, independent **units** and test thhem separately before using them together
- This is called _unit testing_
- **Units**:
- functions
- classes (mod 5)
### Test harnesses are separate code
A test harness is a separate `main()` program, that verifies if our program's results are correct
# Scopes
A scope is a region of a program text
<br>A name is declared in a scope and is valid (_in scope_) fro the point of its declaration until the end of its scope
void f() {
g(); // error: g() is not in scope
void g() {
f(); // OK: f() is in scope
void h() {
int x = y; // error: y is not yet in scope
int y = x; // OK
int z; // OK
int whatever = z; // error: z is out of scope
g(); // OK
### Scopes keep names local
int x = 42;
void f(int x) {
int z = x + 7;
void g(int x) {
int f = x + 2;
return 2 * f;

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# Functions & Templates
# Function templates
Same functionality does not depend on the type of objects used:
void swap(double &d1, double& d2) {
double temp = d1;
d1 = d2;
d2 = temp;
void swap(std::string& s1, std::string& s2) {
std::string temp = s1;
s1 = s2;
s2 = temp;
Implementing this functionality with `template`:
template <typename T> void swap(T& t1, T& t2) {
T temp = t1;
t1 = t2;
t2 = temp;
int main() {
double d1 = 42.0, d2 = -7.5;
swap(d1, d2);
std::string s1 = "aaa", s2 = "bbb";
swap(s1, s2);
return 0;
<br>A template can have more than one type parameter: `template <typename T1, typename T2, ...>`
- `std::vector<T>`
- `std::map<Key, Value>`
# Compiling templates
A template function or class is just a code template (blueprint), not _real_ code
<br>Template code will be created only when used
- Using `swap(double, double)` will cause the compiler to create an actual function: `void swap(double& d1, double& d2)`
<br>**Conclusion**: It is impossible to compile a template by its own.
### Solution
Put templates into a **header file** that will be included by the program.
#include <iostream>
#include "swap.h"
int main() {
char c1 = 'a', c2 = 'X';
swap(c1, c2);
int i1 = 1, i2 = 2;
swap(i1, i2);
return 0;
# Function activation record
When `expression()` is called, the C++ implementation sets aside space for:
- parameters
- local variables
- _stuff_ for returning the result
<br>This information is called _implementation record_
# The stack data structure
A stack is a container where we can put something on top of it, and can only get the topmost element back
<br>Each time a function is called, its activation record is pushed onto the execution stack (known as **_the stack_**)
# Recurssion
`expression()` indirectly calls itself. We call this indirect call loop: **recursion**
- A function that calls itself is called _recursive_
- Keep the model of the stack activation records in mind
- Think of a recursive function as a function that calls another function (that happens to use the very same code)
## Recursive functions (as in math)
- Toy example: factorial numbers
$$5! = 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 120$$
$$n! = n \times (n-1)!$$
- Code example:
long long factorial(long long n)
assert(n > 0);
if (n == 1) return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
Unfortunately, `factorial()` uses tail recursion, which is a bad way of using recursion
## Fibonacci numbers recurisvely
long long fibonacci(long long n)
assert(n >= 0);
switch (n)
case 1:
case 2:
return 1;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);